Gerlinde Grabmann

T: 0043 14277 52666
Universität Wien
Institut für Anorganische Chemie
Währingerstr 42
A-1090 Wien
Raum: 2H14
Works on: Subproject 3
- Postgraduate Course: "Quality assurance in the chemical laboratory", 2012/13 University of Leoben, Austria
- 2nd lecture prize at the 8th ASAC Young Analysts Forum 2012 Paris- Lodron-University Salzburg
since May 2011 Promotion within the Doctoral College “BioProMoTION” at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Vienna
Oct. 2003 - Dec. 2009 University of Vienna, Diploma degree with honors in Chemistry
2009 Diploma thesis at BOKU Vienna; Department of Analytical Chemistry: Thesis title "Provenance studies of wine, pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil by element and isotope fingerprints using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)"
- Grabmann G, Keppler BK, Hartinger CG. A systematic capillary electrophoresis study on the effect of the buffer composition on the reactivity of the anticancer drug cisplatin to the DNA model 2'-deoxyguanosine 5'-monophosphate (dGMP). Anal Bioanal Chem. 2013 Aug;405(20):6417-24. Epub 2013 Apr 26.
- Grabmann G, Meier SM, Scaffidi-Domianello YY, Galanski M, Keppler BK, Hartinger CG. Capillary zone electrophoresis and capillary zone electrophoresis-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry studies on the behavior of anticancer cis- and trans-[dihalidobis(2-propanone oxime)platinum(II)] complexes in aqueous solutions. J Chromatogr A. 2012 Dec 7;1267:156-61.
- Bartel C, Bytzek AK, Scaffidi-Domianello YY, Grabmann G, Jakupec MA, Hartinger CG, Galanski M, Keppler BK. Cellular accumulation and DNA interaction studies of cytotoxic trans-platinum anticancer compounds. J Biol Inorg Chem. 2012 Mar;17(3):465-74. Epub 2012 Jan 7.
Poster Presentations:
- The Binding of Cisplatin toward 5’-dGMP Influenced by Different Buffer Components – A CZE–UV/MS Study. Grabmann G, Keppler BK, Hartinger CG. ITP 2013, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 6th-9th October 2013
- Brunner M, Grabmann G, Katona R, Stefanka Z, Prohaska T (2009): Food authenticity and contamination studies in processed food products by (MC)-ICP-MS. In: Hajšlová, J. and Nielen, M. , Book of Abstracts, 4th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, Prague, Czech Repubblic, Nov 4 - 6, 2009.
Oral Presentations:
- Grabmann G, Keppler BK, Hartinger CG. The Influence of Buffer Components on the Binding of Cisplatin Toward 5’-dGMP Studied by Means of CZE–UV and CZE–ESI-MS. Metallomics 2013, Oviedo, Spain, 8th-11th July 2013.
- Grabmann G, Meier SM, Scaffidi-Domianello YY, Pichler V, Galanski M, Keppler BK, Hartinger CG. The Aqueous Chemistry of Pt(II) Complexes under Physiologically Relevant Conditions Studied by Means of CZE–UV and CZE–ESI-MS. 24th MassSpec-Forum-Vienna-2013, February 19th and 20th 2013
- Grabmann G, Meier SM, Scaffidi-Domianello YY, Galanski M, Keppler BK, Hartinger CG. CE and CE-ESI-MS studies to elucidate the hydrolysis behavior of anticancer bis(acetoxime)-dihalidoplatinum(II) complexes. 8th ASAC JunganalytikerInnenforum 2012.
Initiativkolleg Biopromotion
Währinger Str. 38
1090 Wien
Raum 1218
T: +43-1-4277-708 09
Währinger Str. 38
1090 Wien
Raum 1218
T: +43-1-4277-708 09