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Credits, training and course program

  • The students will participate in courses (for a detailed list of proposed courses see Appendix 3), which account for a minimum of 18 ECTS, of which a maximum of 4 ECTS may be obtained from courses held by the supervisor (6 ECTS in case of co-presenter), and at maximum 6 ECTS for both seminars and laboratory courses (no “Privatissima”). Furthermore, ECTS credits will be granted for participation in conferences/workshops (2 ECTS/week), oral or poster presentations by the scholar (4 ECTS), stays abroad, scientific visits or external lab courses (2 ECTS/week, max. 6 ECTS).

  • Courses on central topics for the IK are obligatory to all participants. These involve the new lecture course “Bioactivity of natural compounds” by V. Somoza (2 ECTS), which will be established for the special needs of the IK scholars, a journal club (2 ECTS) and a lecture series (2 ECTS). The remaining credits may be selected by the student but must be topically related to the PhD thesis and consider the proposals of the CMG.

  • All students must participate and contribute to the training events.

  • In addition, the students will also be given the opportunity to gain experience in teaching by training Master students (together with the PIs), who will be invited to attend the retreats and contribute poster presentations.

Initiativkolleg Biopromotion

Währinger Str. 38
1090 Wien
Raum 1218

T: +43-1-4277-708 09
Universität Wien | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Wien | T +43-1-4277-0
Letzte Änderung: 06.10.2011 - 06:39