Anika Schröter
T: 0043 1427770806
Universität Wien
Institut für Lebensmittelchemie und Toxikologie
Währinger Str. 40
A-1090 Wien
Raum: 1E40A
Works on: Subproject 6
since May 2011 Promotion within the Doctoral College “BioProMoTION” at the Institute of food chemistry and toxicology at the University of Vienna
2010 Acquiring the diploma degree in the field of Biology; Title of diploma thesis: “The medaka as model organism for pharmacological valuations of agents in vivo”
- 2007- 2010 Study of Biology at TU Dresden (Germany)
2004- 2007 Study of Biology at University of Potsdam (Germany) Successfully passing pre- diploma
Contribution to congresses:
- 06/2012: Schroeter A., Baechler S., Marko D. Effect of oxidative metabolism on the bioactivity profile of the isoflavones genistein and daidzein. 26th International Conference on Polyphenols, Florence (Italy)
- 03/2013: Schroeter A., Pignitter M., Somoza V., Marko D. Uptake and biological activity of the phase II metabolite resveratrol – 3- sulfate in human colon cancer cells. 79th Annual Conference of the DGPT, Halle/ Saale (Germany)
- 03/2013: Stornig K., Schroeter A., Marko D. Impact of oxidative metabolism on the toxicological potential of genistein in human colon cancer cells. Joint Scientific Symposium of the ASTOX, Vienna (Austria)
- 06/2013: Schroeter A., Stornig K., Marko D. Impact of oxidative metabolism on the bioactivity profile of genistein. 7th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications, Bonn (Germany)
- 09/2013: Groh, Isabel Anna Maria; Schröter, Anika; Marko, Doris; Esselen, Melanie Selected methyleugenol metabolites suppress topoisomerase I activity and diminish the DNA-damaging properties of the DNA-topoisomerase poison camptothecin in human colon carcinoma cells. 49th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Interlaken (Switzerland)
- 09/2013: Schroeter A., Stornig K., Marko D. Impact of oxidative metabolism on the genotoxic potential of genistein. 10th International Comet Assay Workshop, Porto (Portugal)
Initiativkolleg Biopromotion
Währinger Str. 38
1090 Wien
Raum 1218
T: +43-1-4277-708 09
Währinger Str. 38
1090 Wien
Raum 1218
T: +43-1-4277-708 09