Claudia Michael

T: 0043 14277 52308
Universität Wien
Institut für Analytische Chemie
Währinger Str. 38
A-1090 Wien
Raum: 1227
Works on: Subproject 7
- since 09/2011: PhD Student within the Doctoral College "BioProMoTION"
- 04/2008: Graduated as Dipl. Nat. Title of master thesis: "Erarbeitung einer kapillarelektrophoretischen Methode zur quantitativen Bestimmung des Gehaltes der Monosaccharide eines hochgradig glykosylierten therapeutischen Proteins" Department of Analytical Chemistry, University Freiberg in cooperation with Solvias AG, Basel
- 10/2002- 04/2008: Study of „Applied Natural Science“, University of Mining and Technology Freiberg
- HIGH LEVEL PROTEIN-PURIFICATION ALLOWS THE UNAMBIGUOUS POLYPEPTIDE DETERMINATION OF LATENT ISOFORM PPO4 OF MUSHROOM TYROXINASE Stephan G. Mauracher, Christian Molitor, Claudia Michael, Martin Kragl, Andreas Rizzi, Annette Rompel. Phytochemistry 99 (2014) 14-25
- PURIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF TYROSINASE FROM WALNUT LEAVES (JUGLANS REGIA). Florime Zekiri, Christian Molitor, Stephan G. Mauracher, Claudia Michael, Rupert L. Mayer, Christopher Gerner, Annette Rompel. Phytochemistry 101 (2014) 5-15
- MOLECULAR CLONING AND FUNCTIONAL EXPRESSION IN E. COLI OF RECOMBINANT PPO FROM COREOPSIS GRANDIFLORA INVOLVED IN AURONE FORMATION. Cornelia Kaintz, Christian Molitor, Jana Thill, Ioannis Kampatsikas, Claudia Michael, Heidi Halbwirth, Annette Rompel. Plant Molecular Biology (under revision)
Oral Presentations:
- QUANTITATIVE N-GLYCAN ANALYSIS USING µLC-PGC-ESI-QTOF-MS. Claudia Michael, Andreas Rizzi. CEEPC-2013: 7th Central and Eastern European Proteomics Conference. 13.10.2013 – 16.10.2013, Jena, Germany
- ISOTOPE CODED LABELING FOR MS BASED QUANTITATIVE GLYCAN FINGERPRINTING. Claudia Michael, Andreas Rizzi. MassSpec-Forum Vienna 2014: 25th Mass Spectrometry Discussion Meetin. 14.02.2014 - 19.02.2014, Vienna, Austria
Poster Presentation:
- QUANTITATIVE GLYCOMICS FOR MONITORING CYTOKINE INDUCED CELL STRESS. Claudia Michael, Sinisa Sic, Astrid Slany, Christopher Gerner, Andreas Rizzi. CEEPC 2012: 6th Central and Eastern European Proteomics Conference. 14.10.2012 – 17.10.2012, Budapest, Hungary
- PGC-µLC-ESI-QQTOF-MS FOR QUANTITATIVE GLYCAN ANALYSIS. Claudia Michael, Christopher Gerner, Andreas Rizzi. IMMS-2013: 31st Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry. 05.05.2013 – 08.05.2013, Palermo, Italy
- µPGC-ESI-MS FOR QUALITATIVE N-GLYCAN ANALYSIS. Claudia Michael, Andreas Rizzi. Chiranal-2014: Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis 2014 & Chiranal 2014. 10.02.2014-14.02.2014, Olomouc, Czech Republic
- µLC-MS FOR QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ANILINE LABELED N-GLYCANS. Claudia Michael, Andreas Rizzi. MSB-2014: 30th International Symposium on MicroScale Bioseparations. 27.04.2014-01.05.2014, Pecs, Hungary
Initiativkolleg Biopromotion
Währinger Str. 38
1090 Wien
Raum 1218
T: +43-1-4277-708 09
Währinger Str. 38
1090 Wien
Raum 1218
T: +43-1-4277-708 09